After a yearlong experience with sleep monitoring, we’ve decided to create a new version of this product according to your comments. One of the most frequent questions was, why can’t the lamp be cheaper and more affordable. So we’ve tried to put the Sleep Phaser electronics into a lamp, which is smaller, lighter and the […]
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Category: Blog
Sleep Phaser for kids
We’ve tried to monitor the sleep of our kids as well, but they have always moved the lamp or knocked it off the table. So we went to the IKEA store and installed the Sleep Phaser into the wall lamp. Click here for preorder. Here you can have a look at the video, and don’t […]
Sleep Phaser – new variants
After a yearlong experience with sleep monitoring, we’ve decided to create a new version of this product according to your comments. One of the most frequent questions was, why can’t the lamp be cheaper and more affordable. So we’ve tried to put the Sleep Phaser electronics into a lamp, which is smaller, lighter and the production […]
StressLocator verze 1.8 pro iPhone
Mrkněte na novou verzi StressLocator 1.8 pro iPhone. Ke stažení na iTunes od 5. února. Oprava pro BLE zařízení a komunikaci s cloudem. Užijte si to! StressLocator tým
StressLocator Version 1.8 for iPhone
Check out updated StressLocator version 1.8 for iPhone. Available on iTunes since 5th of February. Newly fixed for BLE devices and communication with cloud. Enjoy! StressLocator Team