We have developed Glasses especially for the Mindroid application. They are needed, if you want to fully use the potential of the app. With the glasses, you can just lie down and relax, no need to hold the cell in position. They work with over 16 million colours from which you can chose your favourite […]
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Author: Karolína Kalecká
StressLocator 1.3 for iPhone has been re...
We are happy to announce that on 18th December 2014 a new version of StressLocator for iPhone has been released, so you can download it on iTunes. And what’s new? ANS Balance (nervous system’s activity) is shown. What is it good for? You can see, whether the sympathetic or parasympathetic has over. For example, when […]
StressLocator Pro 2.01 – New version
New version of the StressLocator application is out. Some issues are fixed and in comparison with the older versions it offers better detection of RR intervals and enables you to connect the new version of oximeter.
Flex Multicolor connected with Android
We’re happy to introduce an application for our Flex Multicolor device. It allows the mind machine to run on Android devices, so now you can just connect Flex with your cell via USB and use it without PC. The application is free to download here. Still don’t have a mind machine? Check here.
Problem with S5 solved!
To try to solve the problem caused by the known bug on Android 4.4.2, we borrowed Samsung S5 mini. Here’s the result: http://youtu.be/ZKZ5nIlnYA4 The oximeter and the StressLocator application worked with the device without problems; most likely because it was fully patched and updated. So we recommend to update your S5’s firmware. Then the devices […]